Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wardrobe Decluttering Challenge & Starting Over

Athena sits by the 66qt storage tub that will contain my entire wardrobe. I am challenging
myself to pare down my excess clothing and minimize possessions before I move cross-country.
I love the concept of starting over. Remember that first day of college, or moving to your first apartment? If you were like me, you had only a few possessions and a small suitcase of clothing, ready to be on your own.

With no debt, car payments and bills to pay, we were free.

Fast forward: I've accumulated a lot of junk and clutter since that first day in my freshman dorm, including some hefty loans from Sallie Mae. From outdated textbooks to University knickknacks, it's time to eliminate excess. In a few months, I will be graduating college and moving more than 2,000 miles from Louisiana to Washington for medical school. I will sell or give away anything that doesn't fit in the tiny trunk of my Acura, which will enable me to forgo extra moving expenses.

Why am I downsizing my stuff? To obtain financial freedom and freedom from material ties, travel lightly and sustainably, and live a healthier life.

In the journey to minimalism, we all have to start somewhere. As a reformed shopaholic, clothing has always been my kryptonite. There's no magic number I hope to reach, but I know I still have some serious downsizing to go.

 I've been paring down my wardrobe for several months now. I am only allowing myself a 66 qt tub (pictured above) to contain my wardrobe, and anything that doesn't make the cut will go to my local Goodwill.

Here is my Pre-moving Wardrobe Decluttering Challenge:

1. Get rid of the excess storage bins containing accessories, shoes, and seasonal wear. Get rid of half the contents and consolidate to dresser.

2. Get rid of the dresser. Declutter half the contents and consolidate to closet.

3. Get rid of half the clothes on coat hangers. Then get rid of all the hangers.

4. Pare down entire wardrobe to fit in 66qt tub.

5. Declutter more.


We put so much time into cleaning, maintaining, buying and replacing our things. By decluttering your possessions, you can achieve the liberty and lightness of starting over.

Things won't make us happier in the long run. Experiences endure and fulfill. Things only weigh us down.

By pursuing a minimalist lifestyle and challenging yourself to posses only what you need and cherish, you can save money on packing and storing your possessions and become more conscious of how your stuff is preventing you from achieving freedom

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